Beyond the firewall: navigating the evolving cyber security threat landscape
Cyber security threats are constantly evolving, presenting new challenges for organisations and their IT teams. The traditional approach to cyber security, which once relied heavily on firewalls and perimeter [...]
Hacking the hackers: understanding the world of ethical hacking
When you think of 'hacking', you probably picture malicious cyber criminals looking to steal data or cause widespread service disruption. You may even think of tech-savvy teenagers wanting to [...]
Data breaches unveiled: lessons learned and best practices
In today's digital age, data breaches are a persistent threat, impacting businesses of all sizes across various industries. And recent statistics reveal a worrying trend. In 2023 alone, there [...]
The art of digital defence: 7 tips for a secure future
Cyber attacks are almost inevitable for any business. And as our reliance on internet-connected devices grows, malicious attackers will only continue their rampage. In fact, over 1.5 million UK [...]
AI and information security: how to successfully safeguard your data
No matter the size of your organisation, hackers will try every tactic to infiltrate, steal and profit from your valuable business and customer data. Without a robust framework in [...]
The human firewall: building cyber security awareness at every level
All the technology and software in the world cannot keep your business secure without a collective effort from everyone in your company. By increasing cyber security awareness and building [...]
Quantum (computing) leap in cyber security: preparing for the next frontier
In the ever-evolving arms race in cyber security, a new tool is emerging on the scene: quantum computing. The central building blocks of quantum computing are qubits, created according [...]
Lock, stock and two-factor authentication: strengthening your online armour
In an age where organisations rely on technology to store, process and transmit sensitive data, device security is no longer just ideal; it is a necessity. Without robust device [...]
2023 in review: events from the cyber security industry
As technology continues to play an increasingly crucial part in our everyday lives, cyber security has been intrinsically linked with several major events and developments in 2023. So, we [...]
‘Tis the season of scamming: tips for safe online shopping
We all know the drill in the countdown to Christmas. Michael Bublé, cheese and crackers and a mad rush to get our festive gifts bought and wrapped for the [...]
7 crucial steps to protect your business from software supply chain attacks
Did you know software supply chain attacks have impacted 62% of organisations? Hardly surprising when, on average, businesses share their data with around 730 vendors... The stakes are already [...]
Protect your business from the inside out with zero-trust security
Thinking your organisation is at less risk of a data breach is one of the biggest mistakes any business can make when it comes to cyber security. Organisations are [...]
3 ways to get one step ahead of dangerous data breaches
Despite the increasing emphasis on data security, cyber criminals are constantly finding ways to outmanoeuvre defences and gain unauthorised access to sensitive information.. Capita — a business outsourcing group [...]
How can your business put a stop to insider threats?
No business wants to think about the possibility of insider threats within their organisation. But in 2023, 74% of businesses are vulnerable to this genuine risk — posed by [...]